Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Tama Dey In Hopes Of Becoming A Phoenix: Application Of Narrative Practices In Exploration Of Preferred Identities Of Youth Contemplating Suicide In North East India Journal of Systemic Therapies / 43 / 1 / 26 - 50 1195-4396

2 Alphonsa Jose K A decade of climate change concern in India: Determinants of personal and societal climate concern Environment and Social Psychology / 9 / 8 / - 2424-8975

3 Alphonsa Jose K Conceptualizing Toxic Positivity: A Scoping Review Protocol QEIOS / / / - 632-3834

4 Debaleena Ghosh Solution-focused Brief Psychological Intervention in Alteration of Compulsive Buying Behavior in an Individual with Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Case Report Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - 0253-7176

5 Eldhose N J College Readiness: A Qualitative Enquiry on Transition from High School to College International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 13 / 3 / 545 - 554 2319-7064

6 Hemanthakumara V Perfectionism and its Impact on Body Image in Emerging Adults International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 14 / 3 / 141 - 146 2319-7064

7 Hemanthakumara V Impact of Sibling Structure on Emotional Maturity and Psychological Well-being in Youth: A Comparative Study Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Psychology / 2 / 1 / 52 - 65 3030-0622 online

8 Hemanthakumara V Effectiveness of integrated approach of emotional first aid and life skills training on psychological distress among adolescent students International Journal of Health Sciences / 9 / 1 / 10 - 25 2550-696X

9 Jerus Albert Britto J Socio Cultural Perspectives of Behaviour the imapact of Enculturation and acculturation on gender International Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches in Psychology (IJIAP) / 3 / 1 / - 2584-0142

10 Jerus Albert Britto J A systematic review of the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy on neuro plasticity in individuals with PTSD International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 13 / 1 / - 2320-2882

11 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of Fashion Modelling on the Self Esteem of Young Adults International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 12 / 1 / - 2348-1269

12 Jerus Albert Britto J Contrasting Empathy and Shadows: Exploring the Interplay Between Dark Empathy and Personality Traits Among Young Adults in Indian Educational Settings International Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches in Psychology (IJIAP) / 3 / 1 / - 2584-0142

13 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of distress on styles of Decision Making Among Young Adults Paripex- Indian Journal of Research / 14 / 2 / - 2250-1991

14 Jerus Albert Britto J Mental Health Among Bihar Populace International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 12 / 1 / - 2320-2882

15 Jerus Albert Britto J Stress and Suicidal Ideation Among Indian Students in UAE and India The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 13 / 1 / - 2348-5396

16 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of Fitness Motivation on Body Image Perception on Indian University Students International Journal of Current science / 15 / 1 / - 2250-1770

17 Kamathenu U K Exploring Lived Experiences of Malayali Third Culture Kids in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) International Journal of Science and Research / / / - 2319-7064

18 Lalitha Ragul Self-Compassion and Psychological well-Being of first time mothers: The role of online parenting forums INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / VI / Special Issue / 381 - 389 3048-698X

19 Lalitha Ragul Self-compassion and Psychological Well ? being of First-time Mothers: The Role of Online Parenting Forums INSPA / VI / Vol VI nov 2024 / 381 - 389 3048-698X

20 Madhu Shravan Kumar Vanagondi Conflict Resolution Strategies, Relationship Satisfaction, and Sexual Satisfaction among Long Distance Couples: The Influence of Marital Status International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 14 / 2 / 1488 - 1495 2319-7064

21 Madhu Shravan Kumar Vanagondi Investigating The Relationship Between Impostor Syndrome and Work Efficiency, by Exploring The Moderating Role of Social Support International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research / 7 / 2 / 1 - 9 2582-2160

22 Manjunatha S Bridging the Mental Health Treatment Gap in India: Opportunities and Challenges: A Narrative Review Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / 29 / 2 / 55 - 61 0971-8990

23 Nityashree K L Emerging Nanoparticle-Based Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Cancer: Innovations and Challenges Pharmaceutics / 17 / 1 / - 1999-4923

24 Prathibha M V Self-compassion and Psychological Well ? being of First-time Mothers: The Role of Online Parenting Forums INSPA / VI / Vol VI nov 2024 / 381 - 389 3048-698X

25 Rashmi R Quick Commerce Apps, Consumer Behaviour and Psychological Well-being in Young Adults International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods / 12 / 10 / 1826 - 1830 2455-6211

26 Rashmi R AI-Driven Mental Health Counseling: Opportunities, Challenges, And Ethical Implications Revista Electronica de Veterinaria / 25 / 1S(2024) / 550 - 558 1695-7504

27 Rashmi R Spirituality, Religiosity and Psychological Well-Being of Young Adults The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 12 / 3 / 3286 - 3291 2348-5396, 2349-3429

28 Rashmi R Community Resilience to Climate Change: Integrating Sociological Perspectives Journal of Applied Bioanalysis Home / 11 / 1 / 10 - 16 2405-710X

29 Rashmi R Superwoman Syndrome, General Mental Health and Well-Being of Working Mothers and Homemakers International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research / 7 / 2 / 1 - 10 2582-2160

30 Rashmi R A systematic analysis: Peer Pressure, Self-Body Objectification and Self-Esteem among Young Women IJARESM, Bhagwan Mahavir Marg, Opposite Main Bus Stand, Rithala, Rohini, New Delhi - 110085, India w / 12 / 1 / 2905 - 2910 2455-6211

31 Rashmi R Counseling Gen Alpha: Pandemic's Impact on Developmental and Mental Health International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) / 6 / 6 / 1 - 8 2582-2160

32 Shinto Thomas Predictors of Acculturative Stress among Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students INSPA JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY / / / 152 - 158 NA

33 Shwetha Shivayogi Durgad Conflict Resolution Strategies, Relationship Satisfaction, and Sexual Satisfaction among Long Distance Couples: The Influence of Marital Status International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 14 / 2 / 1488 - 1495 2319-7064

34 Soumya Jacob P Translation and Validation of the Malayalam Version of the Subjective Happiness Scale Social Indicators Research / 176 / 1 / - 0303-8300

35 Soumya R R Role of Alexithymia in Coping Strategies and Attachment Style Among Middle-Adults International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research / / / 0 - 17 2582-2160

36 Sreeja Gangadharan P Unmuted : Transitioning from Remote to Offline Work for Indian Working Mothers International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / / / - 2582-2160

37 Suman Grigary Thomas Swipe, Connect, Disconnect: The Pandemics Digital Influence on Offline Intimacy Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology / 7 / 2 / 1 - 3 2642-0856

38 Suman Grigary Thomas Can Patience Predict Social Connectedness And Compassion? MALAYALAM RESEARCH JOURNAL / 17 / 3 / 6721 - 6731 0974-1984

39 Tama Dey A Critical Examination of Psychotherapeutic Interventions to Reimagine Suicide Prevention with Narrative Practices in India International Journal of Indian Psychology / / / - 2348-5396

40 Alphonsa Jose K Risk Behavior Among Emerging Adults: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), Perceived Family and Interpersonal Environment Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / / / 289 - 299 0973-1342

41 Athira Aneesh E K Parent-child relationship and psychological well-being of adolescents: Role of emotion regulation and social competence Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment / 34 / 2 / 153 - 171 1540-3556

42 Athira Aneesh E K Single-parent Adolescents? Resilience and Psychological Well-being: The Role of Social Competence and Emotion Regulation Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 20 / 3 / - 0973-1342

43 Athira Aneesh E K Entrepreneurial Intention of Rural College Students: Role of Perceived Behavioural Control, Entrepreneurial Desire and Entrepreneurial Knowledge International Journal of Rural Management / / / - 0973-0052

44 Debaleena Ghosh The Role of Social Cognition in Depression and Its Relationship to Early Maladaptive Schemas Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / XX(X) / 1 - 6 0253-7176

45 Debaleena Ghosh Understanding the Components of Theory of Mind in Depression: An Exploratory Study Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry / / / - 0971-9962

46 Hemanthakumara V Impact of Social Media Addiction on Body Esteem among Working and Women and Home Makers in Karnataka. ANHAD LOK / 9 / 5 / 289 - 297 2349-137X

47 Hemanthakumara V Impact of Specific Movie Genres on Aggression Patterns and Risky Behaviours in Young Adults The International Journalof Indian Psychology / 12 / 2 / 1902 - 1913 2348-5396

48 Lajwanti M Mathematics anxiety and self-esteem among young adults aged 18-30 years The International Journal of Indian Pscyhology / / / - 2348-5396

49 Lajwanti M Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement Among Building Material Retailers International Journal of Indian Psychology / / / - 2349-3429

50 Lajwanti M Work Life Balance, Management Support, Job Satisfaction and Health Wellbeing in the Context of Pandemic Journal of Informatics Education and Research / / / - 1526-4726

51 Manjunatha S Efficacy of Psychosocial Care Training Programme for the Staff Working in Old Age Homes Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / 1 - 5 0975-1564

52 Manjunatha S Risk factors associated with overweight and obesity in people with severe mental illness in South Asia: cross-sectional study in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan Journal of Nutritional Science / / / 1 - 14 2048-6790

53 Sherin P Antony Exploring the Use of the Therapist's Self in Therapy: A Systematic Review Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - 0253-7176

54 Shinto Thomas Risk Behavior Among Emerging Adults: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), Perceived Family and Interpersonal Environment Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / / / 289 - 299 0973-1342

55 Stephen S Self-Represented Personal Qualities Toward Career Identity Among Teachers In Higher Education Boletin de Literatura Oral / 11 / 1 / 285 - 293 2173-0695

56 Stephen S Impact of Globalization on the Creation of a ?Hybrid? Culture: A Psycho-Social Perspective Onamazen - Journal for Lingusitic, Philology and Translation / 63 / 1 / 321 - 327 0718-5758

57 Suman Grigary Thomas Patience and Its Relation with Self Control and Forgiveness Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology / 50 / special issue / 48 - 53 0019-4247

58 Suman Grigary Thomas Forgiveness and its relation with Subjective Well-being: Mediating Role of Social Connectedness INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / 5 / 2 / 38 - 44 NA

59 Suman Grigary Thomas Spiritual Well-being and its Relation with Self-compassion and Subjective Happiness in Undergraduate Students of Goa INDIAN JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY / 14 / 4 / 457 - 460 2229-4937

60 Suman Grigary Thomas Forgiveness and Its Relationship with Social Connectedness and Subjective Well-Being International Journal of Indian Psychology / 11 / 4 / 2491 - 2497 2348-5396

61 Suman Grigary Thomas SELF-CONTROL AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH HOPE AND FORGIVENESS Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies / 10 / 61 / 95 - 99 2319-4766

62 Suman Grigary Thomas Patience predicts forgiveness and subjective well being in college students shodha samiksha / 13 / 2 / - 2249-5045

63 Tama Dey Exploring Contributing Factors of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviours to Map Research Gaps in Suicidology in Northeastern India: A Narrative Review International Journal of Indian Psychology / / / - 2348-5396

64 Abilash K Delegation: An Attenuator of Occupational Stress The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 10 / 4 / 1169 - 1175 2349-3429

65 Alphonsa Jose K Depression, Anxiety and Stress with and without Covid-19 Infection Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU / / / - 2582-4287

66 Athira Aneesh E K Role of Resilience in the Social Competence and Psychological Well-being of Adolescents with Single Parents Indian Journal of Health Studies / 5 / 1 / - 2583 - 0759

67 Lalitha Ragul Self-Esteem, Resilience and Positive Mental Health among Military and Civilian children INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / IV / 2 / 86 - 91 NA

68 Lalitha Ragul Relationship between Communication Pattern and Marital Happiness of Army Couples Mind and Society / 12 / 1 / 67 - 73 2277-6907

69 Lalitha Ragul Rock Of Gibraltar: Impact Of Deployment Separation On Stress, Positive Mental Health And Resilience Of Army Officers Wives International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research / 11 / 9(3) / 77 - 82 2277-7881

70 Navaneetham P Effects of Personal Relationships on Physical and Mental Health among Young Adults- A Scoping Review Open Psychology / 15 / / 1 - 22 1874-3501

71 Shinto Thomas Perceived stress and fatigue in software developers: Examining the benefits of gratitude Personality and Individual Differences / 201 / / - 0191-8869

72 Shinto Thomas Gratitude as a path to human prosperity during adverse circumstances: a narrative review British Journal of Guidance & Counselling / / / - 0306-9885

73 Shinto Thomas Importance of positive emotions in software developers? performance: a narrative review Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science / / / - 0191-8869

74 Shinto Thomas The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 1520-6807

75 Stephen S Mindsets Of The Teachers In The Genesis Of Career Identity Among Teachers In Higher Education Education and Society / 45 / 4 / 221 - 227 2278-6864

76 Alphonsa Jose K Theory of planned behavior in predicting the construction of eco-friendly houses Management of Environmental Quality / / / - 1477-7835

77 Lalitha Ragul Cross Cultural Variations in Attitude of Adolescents The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 2 / 1927 - 1931 2349-3429

78 Lalitha Ragul Millennial Parenting - Media and Technology Usage and Quality of Life International Journal of Asia Pacific School Psychology / 2 / 2 / 53 - 58 2697-6544

79 Sherin P Antony Pediatric Cancer Patients' Psycho Social Impact And Quality Of Life During And After The Cancer Trajectory IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 9 / 1 / 339 - 348 2348-1269, 2349-5138

80 Shinto Thomas Evidence and Predictors of Resilience among Young Adults Exposed to Traumatic Events of the Armed Conflict in Kashmir Child & Youth Services / / / 1 - 21 1545-2298, 0145-935X

81 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence of Parenting style on Aggression among Primary School Students Paripex-Indian Journal of Research / 10 / 4 / - 2250-1991

82 Jerus Albert Britto J Demographical Details Associated with Social Inhibition, resilience, and Quality of life of Transgender Paripex-Indian Journal of Research / 10 / 5 / - 2250-1991

83 Sherin P Antony Perceived Stress among Health Care Providers in Long Term Care Facilities Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 5 / 10 / 669 - 673 2415-6256, 2415-6248

84 Shinto Thomas Psychological distress among doctoral scholars: its association with perseverance and passion Minerva Psichiatrica / / / 143 - 152 0391-1772

85 Shinto Thomas Perceived Stress Among Information Technology Professionals in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (TTIE) / 21 / 3 / 1 - 17 1464-536X

86 Soumya R R Mindfulness: An emotional aid to the glass ceiling experiences Cogent Psychology / / / - 2331-1908

87 Soumya R R Glass Ceiling Experiences Of Women Managers - A Mental Health Perspective Journal Of Critical Reviews / / / 2850 - 2859 2394-5125

88 Suman Grigary Thomas Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Burn-out among Special School Teachers and Genreal School Teachers SAMBODHI JOURNAL / 43 / 4 / 126 - 130 2249-6661

89 Abilash K Standardization and Validation of the Personality Disorder Inventory PSGP-IPDI SHANLAX International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 7 / 1 / 112 - 122 2321-788X

90 Alphonsa Jose K Attitude and subjective norm as personal moral obligation mediated predictors of intention to build eco-friendly house Management of Environmental Quality / 30 / 4 / 678 - 694 1477-7835

91 Jerus Albert Britto J Geriatric depression and anxiety among institutionalised female senior citizen The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 8 / 2 / - 2348-5396

92 Shinto Thomas Child Mental Health: The role of different Attributional Styles Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 16 / 1 / 33 - 48 0973-1342

93 Sreeja Gangadharan P Development of perceived prenatal maternal stress scale Indian Journal of Public Health / 63 / 3 / 209214 - 0019-557X

94 Abilash K Focused attention, social maturity and behavioural problems among intellectually impaired children International journal of basic and applied research / 9 / 5 / 284 - 292 2249-3352

95 Abilash K A Study on Prevalence of Behavioral Addictions among College Students SHANLAX International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 6 / 4 / 27 - 33 2321-788X

96 Abilash K Bibliotherapy As a Therapeutic Approach to Psychological Problems Asian Research Journals / 8 / 2 / 10 - 15 2278-4853

97 Alphonsa Jose K Social experiences of the visually impaired: Perceived support, discrimination and stereotypes International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 6 / 9 / 1429 - 1434 2347-3797

98 Alphonsa Jose K Importance of identifying and fostering positive character strengths in early years for a bright future as emerging adults Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 9 / 2 / 306 - 310 2229-4937

99 Jerus Albert Britto J Influence on Self Control on Personality Dimensions among College Students The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 3 / - 2348-5396

100 Shinto Thomas Social experiences of the visually impaired: Perceived support, discrimination and stereotypes International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 6 / 7 / 1429 - 1434 2347-3797

101 Shinto Thomas Importance of Identifying and Fostering Positive Character Strengths in Early Years for a Bright Future as Emerging adults Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 9 / 2 / 306 - 310 2229-4937

102 Shinto Thomas Happiness, Meaning, and Satisfaction in Life as Perceived by Indian University Students and Their Association with Spirituality Journal of Religion and Health / 58 / 242 / - 0022-4197, 1573-6571

103 Shinto Thomas Social experiences of the visually impaired: Perceived support, discrimination and stereotypes International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 6 / 9 / 1429 - 1434 2347-3797

104 Shinto Thomas Importance of identifying and fostering positive character strengths in early years for a bright future as emerging adults Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 9 / 2 / 306 - 310 2229-4937

105 Sreeja Gangadharan P Education in A Positive Way Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / / / - 2347-5374

106 Stephen S Gender Differences in Emotional Intelligence, Individual Readiness for Change and Psychological Capital of employees working in startups International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) / VI / 2(1) / 8 - 21 2249-0302

107 Stephen S Attitude Of Generation X And Generation Y Male Employees Towards Female Employees At A Managerial Position Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 8 / 3 / 33 - 41 2278-4853

108 Shinto Thomas Are there differences in the mental health status of adolescents in Puducherry? Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 27 / / 32 - 39 1876-2018

109 Sreeja Gangadharan P A Comprehensive Understanding of Prenatal Maternal Stress Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 9 / 2 / 086 - 097 0976-9218

110 Shinto Thomas Depression among Indian university students and its association with perceived university academic environment, living arrangements and personal issues Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 23 / / 108 - 117 1876-2018

111 Shinto Thomas Incidents of Sexual Violence against Adolescents in Kolkata, India, And Its Effect on Mental Health Annals of Forensic Research and Analysis / 3 / 2 / - 2378-9476

112 Sreeja Gangadharan P Declining Child Sex Ratio of India: A State Wise Profililing International Journal of Social Impact / / / - 2455-670X

113 Stephen S Self Diagnosis in Psychology Students International Journal of Indian Psychology / 4 / 2 / 120 - 139 2348-5396

114 Sherin P Antony Practicing play therapy in South India-need, feasibility and implications Journal of Rural and Community Psychiatry / 2 / 4 / 52 - 60 2348-3474

115 Sreeja Gangadharan P Understanding Mind through Indian Psychology International Journal of Indian Psychology / 3 / 3 / - ISSN 2348-5396 (e) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (p)

116 Shinto Thomas The Dynamics of Sibling Relations in Adolescent Development: Understanding the Protective and Risk Factors Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 6 / 4 / 439 - 443 2229-4937

117 Shinto Thomas Abuse of Intellectually Disabled Children: Risks as Perceived by the Mothers Social Science International / 30 / 2 / 391 - 407 0970-1087

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 NAVANEETHAM P,NAVEEN PANT Reference book Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programs for Premarital Romantic and Sexual Relationships for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programs for Premarital Romantic and Sexual Relationships for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review 978-981-97-8970-2 2025
2 SHERIN P ANTONY,AURNA MUKHERJEE,PROF.GAYATRI RAINA Conference Proceedings Psycho-Harmony, A Holistic Approach to Mental Health, Volume 1 Echoes of Exclusion: A narrative Exploration of Rejection Sensitivity in sexual minority in India. ISBN:978-93-48481-07-8 2025
3 SOUMYA JACOB P (4291) Text book Insights on happiness and well-being in the Workplace Key strategies for happiness in work place -A pragmaticc view 9798369329399 2025
4 SRUTHY K BABU (4163) Text book Insights on Wellbeing and Happiness in the Workplace Are Employees Satisfied and Positive Towards Life?: From the Perspective of Subjective Wellbeing 9798369329399 2025
5 ELDHOSE N J,KAVYA MENON Conference Proceedings Interdisciplinary Approaches in Behavioral Sciences Compliments as a Catalyst for Positive Changes among First Year College Students 9789361262449 2025
6 SHINTO THOMAS,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,OM PRAKASH L T Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
7 ASHA MATHEW,DR. ZULFIQAR ULLAH SIDDIQUI | PUNITA BORPUJARI DEO Text book Positive Psychology For Holistic Health & Wellbeing Sacred Pathways: Exploring Wellbeing through Spirituality and Religion 978-93-48059-05-5 2024
8 SUMAN GRIGARY THOMAS (4522) Reference book Ai For Sustainability: Innovative Solutions For Global Challenges Ai In Education: Advancing Personalized Learning While Navigating Ethical Frontiers 978-93-5809-637-8 2024
9 SREEJA GANGADHARAN P,ANURADHA S Reference book Student Well-Being in Higher Education Institutions Influence of Neuroticism and Locus of Control on Anxiety Among Students in Higher Education Institutions 9798369344170 2024
10 ABILASH K,DR. RUCHI JOSHI Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health A study on character strengths and environmental ethics among the youth of Tamil Nadu as trailblazers of climate change warriors 979-836933273-3, 979-836933272-6 2024
11 SHINTO THOMAS,JOSEPH C C,PHINU MARY JOSE,ELANGOVAN N,VICTOR PAUL Reference book Models for Social Responsibility Action by Higher Education Institutions Volunteering-Based Student Engagement: A Model for Student Well-Being in Higher Education Institutions 9798891132511 2024
12 SOUMYA R R,NA Reference book Global Applications of Indian Psychology Indian Psychology: Challenges, Strategies, and Prospects in Education ISBN13: 9781668497784 2023
13 HEMANTHAKUMARA V (3634) Conference Proceedings National Conference on Socio-Economic Strategies for Empowering Vibrant India Empowering Identities: Exploring the Psychological Sociological Dimensions of Gender Empowerment. 978-93-86550-31-6 2023
14 ELDHOSE N J Text book Abnormal Psychology-1 Abnormal Psychology-1 978-81-965894-1-7 2023
15 ABILASH K,SUYESHA SINGH,RUCHI JOSHI,PARIDHI JAIN Text book Emotional AI and Human-AI Interactions in Social Networking Human AI: Ethics and broader impact for mental healthcare 9780443190964 2023
16 ABILASH K,KEERTHIKA M,ABBIROOBAN S,VASANTH MS,KURALAMUDHU, M.K Text book Emotional AI and Human-AI Interactions in Social Networking Emotional AI: Computationally intelligent devices for education 978-044319096-4;978-044319097-1 2023
17 ALPHONSA JOSE K,SHINTO THOMAS,ANEESH KUMAR P,SIBNATH DEB,BRIAN A. GERRARD Reference book Handbook of Health and Well-Being Post-millennials: Psychosocial Characteristics, Determinants of Health and Well-Being, Preventive and Promotive Strategies 978-981-16-8263-6 2022
18 ALPHONSA JOSE K,ANEESH KUMAR P,SHALINI SRINIVASAN,SHINTO THOMAS,SIBNATH DEB,BRIAN A. GERRARD Reference book Handbook of Health and Well-Being Play and Play Spaces for Global Health, Happiness, and Well-Being 978-981-16-8263-6 2022
19 DEVIGA SUBRAMANI,COLIN MARTIN, VICTOR R. PREEDY, VINOOD B. PATEL Text book Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence A Narrative Review on Experience and Expression of Anger Among Infertile Women 978-3-03-098711-4 2022
20 ALPHONSA JOSE K,SURENDRA KUMAR SIA,RABINDRA KUMAR PRADHAN,UPDESH KUMAR Reference book Emotion, Well-Being, and Resilience Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Applications Navigating Through the Thunderstorm: A Theoretical Understanding of Leadership Resilience in the Workplace 9781771888905 2021
21 ATHIRA ANEESH E K,SURENDRA KUMAR SIA,K SATHYAMURTHI Conference Proceedings ELDERLY WELLBEING AND INTERGENERATIONAL BONDING Role of Social Support on Psychological Well Being of the Elderly: Review 978-93-87882-24-9 2019
22 SHINTO THOMAS,ALPHONSA JOSE K,SIBNATH DEB,VIMALA VEERARAGHAVAN Reference book Distance Education prospects, challenges and way forward Distance Mode of education: perception of regular mode students 978-93-530-6695 2019
23 SHINTO THOMAS,ALPHONSA JOSE K,SIBNATH DEB,VIMALA VEERARAGHAVAN Reference book Distance Education prospects, challenges and way forward The expectations, perceived challenges, and scope of distance learning in india: a qualitative study 978-93-530-6695 2019
24 STEPHEN S Conference Proceedings Demystifying Team Dynamics Trust in Teams and Conflict Management Styles among Sales Executives 978-81-934533-7-7 2019
25 ALPHONSA JOSE K,SURENDRA KUMAR SIA,MAMMAN JOSEPH C,VITHYA V,NEETHU P S,SIGAMANI PANNEER Reference book Health and well-being in a multisectoral perspective The relationship between new ecological paradigm attitude and behavioral intention to build eco-friendly house: moderating role of climate change 9789388134996 2019
26 SHINTO THOMAS,ANEESH KUMAR P,ALPHONSA JOSE K,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Positive Schooling and Child Development International Perspectives Child Friendly Schools: Challenges and Issues in Creating a Positive and Protective School Environment 978-981-13-0076-9 2018
27 ALPHONSA JOSE K,ANEESH KUMAR P,SHINTO THOMAS,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Positive Schooling and Child Development: International Perspectives Child Friendly Schools: Challenges and Issues in Creating a Positive and Protective School Environment 978-981-13-0077-6 2018
28 SHINTO THOMAS,ANEESH KUMAR P,SIBNATH DEB,ANJALI GIREESAN,ARCHANA SHUKLA Reference book HIV/AIDs in India: A Public Health Approach in Contemporary Trends HIV/AIDS and children 978-81-8220-688-5 2015
29 STEPHEN S Reference book Child and Adolescent Psychology Factors influencing career choice among college students: A retrospective approach. 9 78 93506 72365 2012
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 A Journey of Struggles, Loss, and Triumph: From Mr. Abilash Kasi to Dr. Abilash Kasi

Academic and Research
2 Rethinking Research Skills in Higher Education: Adapting for a Changing Academic Landscape

Research Skills
3 RCI's Nomenclature Changes Spark Concern: A Crisis for Aspiring Clinical Psychologists

4 Mastering Abstract Writing in APA 7th Edition

5 Reflecting on My Growth and Impact as an Assistant Professor at Christ University, Bangalore

Empowering Through Education: Reflections on My Academic Journey
6 Secure / Insecure Marriage: How marital factors determines the fate of your marriage?

7 Why do we need a therapeutic natural space on a university campus?


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